Sudhir is the Executive Director at Outward Bound Bharat since 2009.
As a leader he has helped the organization grow steadily in all aspects of programming, safety and staff development to ensure quality programs for the participating individuals.
Over the years, he has also evolved as trainer, facilitator having conducted a number of programs for Youth, Adults and Professionals. His many years of experience in the field of adventure and later as an Outward Bounder has given to him an in depth understanding of the programming skills and the inputs that can fulfill the needs and aspirations of the young people who join the Outward Bound programs to enrich their life skills for personal development & growth.
Emotional well-being of the participants is core area of his work. He believes Emotional Intelligent people have a better chance of success in life and advocates practicing Emotional Intelligence to that end. He shares his ideas on EQ & EI in a very simple way making it easy for the participants to practice the basic principles of EI as a part of their personality.
Working with the best of international Outward Bounders, in conceptualizing programs and operational standards, it is his commitment to offer to the participating individuals a wonderful learning experience every single time. A vision that will go a long way in establishing Outward Bound Bharat as the leader in experiential learning based personal development & leadership development programs in the wilderness.
The wonderful learning experience from the countless adventure outings he undertook will continue to inspire and motivate him to offer to the participants the opportunity to benefit from such wilderness programs for a long time.
He is 67 years young, very active, fitness enthusiast and enjoys working with people of all ages. You must join him on one of his Outward Bound programs.
He is a Science graduate with background in Human Resources Training & Development.