What are the possible learning Outcomes?
The Outward Bound program activities are a combination of physical challenges, mental endurance and behavioral responses that help in building up the character of the individuals.
The key outcomes of these character building initiatives during the OBB programs show a remarkable appreciation in perception of most of the qualities the individuals must endeavor to learn so as to build on their positive personality traits.
Some of the outcomes of this participation are listed below:
- Improved self knowledge.
- Realizing the importance of physical fitness & tenacity.
- Exhibit self reliance & courage.
- Acceptance of responsibility.
- Ability to transcend self-imposed limits.
- Compassion towards others.
- Willingness to serve the community.
- Accepting social and environmental responsibility
- Learning to work together.
- Willingness to take ownership & learn to be leaders.
The learning process is expertly facilitated by experienced Outward Bound team leaders.
Experiential Learning
The meaning of "Experiential Learning" is 'Learning through experience'.
Outward Bound programs and activities are designed to offer meaningful experience to the participating individuals. The environment during these programs is conducive to learning and the Outward Bound philosophy of 'Challenge by Choice' keeps the motivation level high.
The Outward Bound team leaders facilitate the learning for the participants making their participation worthwhile. The overall physical, emotional and the interactive social experience gives the participant enough opportunities to explore the different aspects of personal development in a big way.